Private Credit Hedge Fund: Credit Analyst Assistant


Several private credit funds expressed interest in a holistic solution to assist a credit analyst to quickly get all the information required to analyze and decide on a deal. Most large funds operate on antiquated systems that do not have integrations with one another and ultimately lead to an inefficient workflow for investors to work off of.


Claira’s Deal Intelligence Platform quickly ingests  all the information from a companies data room and immediately creates a summary of the key terms, particularly from the legal documentation. Our platform holds all the historical financials available for modeling and can review information against historical trends seen by the entire firm, not just of deals in the existing portfolio. Claira will automatically flag points of interest (e.g. sales have dropped, the firm is running negative cash flow the last few quarters), help the investor ask the right questions about the value of the deal, and learn to better assist the investor based on their investment and modeling patterns. 


  • Smarter, better and faster deal analysis by credit investors. 

  • Spend more time thinking about the value of the deal and less time finding data. 

  • Gain in efficiency to be able to analyze more deals in less time. 

  • Have a central view of all the deals the firm sees to spot new insights or trends.


Private Credit: Loan Operations


Law Firms