Investment Bank: Debt Capital Markets


A major investment bank wanted a centralized repository to trace and track all the terms received for both their historical and active deals. While their CRM (customer relationship management) system kept track of all the key lenders they work with and their OMS (order management system) booked final transaction order and systems, all the information on draft bids & terms were lost. The deal teams worked in their relative silo’s and often didn’t realize they were actively engaging with the team lender on separate transactions. 


Claira built an integrated solution to centralize and analyze all the documentation and terms the banks received from lenders, creating a single source of truth and increase collaboration across the deal teams. Additionally, Claira reduced manual efforts and streamlined the loan onboarding process. Claira seamlessly connected with the bank’s CRM and OMS to increase the banks competitive advantage in the market. 


  • Gain comprehensive market insight through aggregated data to better advise their clients.

  • Increased collaboration across deal teams and coordinated efforts when negotiating with lenders.

  • Save a significant amount of time replacing manual document review processes.


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Private Credit: Loan Operations